The importance of having a reliable thermometer at home is undeniable. This goes especially in those moments of high fever when an accurate thermometer is needed to get accurate readings about your current body temperature.
In the past, mercury thermometers were used as the most precise type, but nowadays they are banned not only in Australia but in the whole world. While in some European countries, you can find a good substitution for mercury in the form of gallium, digital thermometers have taken their places and for the better.
What Are the Different Types of Medical Thermometers?

In short, a user-friendly and accurate digital thermometer is a smart and portable device that uses heat sensors that can accurately determine body temperature within a minute or less. Depending on the type, they can be used for taking temperature readings in the mouth, rectum and armpit which gives you the freedom to choose the most convenient option for you.
These body temperature measuring devices are extremely handy and easy to use, the only downside is that you should change their batteries periodically, However, this is something that doesn’t bother users considering the tools’ accuracy.
Digital Axillary (Armpit)
This is maybe one of the oldest and most convenient methods of measuring body temperature, especially for kids. The measurement of this area is done with a regular digital medical thermometer and to get accurate measurements you should carefully place it under the armpit while making sure it doesn’t touch any clothing.
Once set, fold your arm across the chest and hold it until it beeps. This way of measuring temperature is considered the fastest way to get accurate results without feeling traumatised which makes it the perfect solution for kids.
Measuring oral temperature can be done with regular digital temperature measuring tools. These measuring tools seem more accurate in children over 3 years of age and adults of course. The average oral temperature reading is 37°C, however, anything between 36.1°C and 37.2 °Cis considered normal. An important thing you should know is your normal body temperature which will help you know whether you’re running a fever when sick or not.
The greatest downside of these devices is that people, especially children find it difficult to breathe through their nose and keep their mouths closed for a prolonged period.
Digital Ear (Tympanic)
The tympanic measuring devices are designed to measure the temperature inside the ear canal with the help of infrared technology. Just like the armpit type of thermometer, this one also provides fast and accurate readings and when compared to the oral, but mainly to rectal type, the tympanic model seems to be the most preferred choice for children.
There are some important things you should know about this device and that is that its readings are 0.3°C to 0.6 °C higher than the oral temperature readings. Additionally, due to the size of children’s ear canals, this device isn’t recommended for babies under 6 months of age. Unfortunately, there is a chance for ear wax in ears to mess up the results,
These are maybe some of the most popular devices for measuring body temperature because most of them require no physical contact. They are also known as non-contact infrared thermometers and are mainly used in airports, hospitals, stores and even by parents who can’t measure temperature properly with any of the aforementioned devices.
Just like any of the aforementioned types, this one also gives fast readings within seconds and can provide you with better readings than oral and rectal models. To get accurate readings, you should position it properly as required by the manufacturer, and make sure the users haven’t worn any hats on the head as this can give false readings.
Nowadays, there is a chance for you to invest in a dual thermometer that is designed for both ear and forehead use. This makes it the more appropriate option available on the market for children.
The newest invention in these measuring devices is the pacifier which is designed for babies. This is an easy way to measure the body temperature of babies. The greatest downside of these measuring devices is that they need to stay for up to 6 minutes in the mouth to get accurate results. Unfortunately, babies are unpredictable and they can easily toss the pacifier.
Which Type of Digital Thermometer Is Most Accurate?
Well, the accuracy of a device depends not only on the quality and brand but also on its application. Applying the thermometer properly will help you get more accurate results.
One of the most reliable ones for children is the forehead and armpit models, out of which the forehead ones seem to be easier and faster to use. Even though rectal and oral are considered pretty accurate, if not the most accurate in children, they seem to be the least favoured and used options because of their application.